In Article " Types Of Lightning Protection Systems LPS ", I list the main types of Lightning Protection Systems as follows:
Types of Lightning Protection Systems LPS
Lightning protection systems for buildings and installations may be divided into three principal types as follows:
1- LPS for Protection for buildings and installations against direct strike by lightning, which includes:
A- Conventional lightning protection system, which includes:
B- Non-Conventional lightning protection system, which includes:
a- Active Attraction LPS, which includes:
b- Active Prevention/Elimination LPS, which includes:
2- LPS for Protection against overvoltage on incoming conductors and conductor systems,
3- LPS for Protection against the electromagnetic pulse of the lightning.
And, I explained the Conventional Lightning Protection System parts and components in the following Articles:
For more information, you can review the following Articles:
Today, I will explain the Non-Conventional Lightning Protection System.
Non-Conventional Lightning Protection System
1- Components of Non-Conventional Lightning Protection System
Non-Conventional lightning
protection system includes (2) main types as follows:
a- Active Attraction
LPS, which includes:
b- Active Prevention/Elimination
LPS, which includes:
2- General Information About
Non-Conventional Lightning Protection System
1- The lightning Active Attraction air terminal:
the lightning
attracting air terminal is claimed to be able to attract the lightning to it
(and hence away from the building) in order to protect the building that it
was installed on.
2- The lightning Active Prevention/Elimination
air terminal:
the lightning prevention air terminal is claimed to be able to
prevent lightning from occurring and hence protect the building.
Important Note
The volume
or zone of protection afforded by the air termination system shall be
determined only by the real physical dimension of the air termination system.
Typically if the air rod is 5m tall then the only claim for the zone of
protection afforded by this air rod would be based on 5m and the relevant
Class of LPS and not any enhanced dimension claimed by some non-conventional
air rods.
3- Active Attraction LPS
3.1 Improved Single Mast System (Blunt Ended Rods)
why the Blunt Ended rod is more effective in lightning protection than the sharp-tipped Franklin rods?
this is for the following reasons:
3.2.1 Claimed Advantages Of ESE Over Conventional
Air Terminal According To The Proponents Of ESE
And Arguments Against These Claimed Advantages
Arguments Against Claim#1:
Arguments Against Claim#2:
Arguments Against Claim#3:
3.2.2 How ESE Proponents Support The
Efficacy Of The ESE Technique?
And What Is The Argument Against This
Proponents Support The Efficacy Of The ESE Technique by the following points:
Argument Against Support#1:
Argument Against Support#2:
French Standard (1995) and a Spanish Standard (1996) for the laboratory
qualification of early streamer emission systems for lightning protection of
Argument Against Support#3:
3.2.3 Summary For Comparison Between ESE And
Conventional Techniques
3.2.4 Types of Early Streamer Emission ESE Air Terminals
There are
several types of early streamer emission systems as follows:
All these
types employ specially designed air terminals that are claimed to create
enhanced ionization near the air terminal.
| Radioactive Air Terminals
| Pulsed Voltage ESE Air Terminals Type
Example For Pulsed Voltage ESE Air
Terminals Type:
Pulsar 7:(see fig.7)
| Sparking-Controlled Leader Trigger (CLT) ESE Air Terminals
Special Shapes and
Sparking ESE can be described as:
Examples of Sparking-controlled
leader trigger (CLT) ESE Type:
The Prevectron: (see fig.8)
this device is said
to operate as a capacitor gathering charge as the electric field increases. According
to product literature, when the leader is approaching the area, the electric
field increases significantly; this causes the device to spark, creating
corona and initiating a collective streamer. It is interesting to note that
other ESE are designed to discourage the formation of corona. They claim that
the presence of corona suppresses the formation of a collective streamer
The Dynasphere: (see fig.8)
this device can be
described as a floating spheroid with earthed central rod, the floating
sphere being grounded via a very high impedance static drain. The floating
sphere appears grounded to the static electric fields which are in existence
prior to leader approach. In this mode, its geometric shape creates minimal
field intensification and there is little corona formed to distort the near
electric field. The unit becomes active only in the few milliseconds of
downward leader approach. At this time the outer sphere will rise in voltage
due to capacitive coupling to the approaching leader and will create a spark
discharge between itself and the nearby earthed rod.
In the next Article, I will explain The Active Prevention/Elimination LPS. Please, keep following.
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