Today I will continue explaining example# 3 as follows.
You can review the following previous articles for more information and good following:
How to add Indirect lighting, Curtain, Painting, Whiteboard, Desk, Conference table, Accent lighting, Door, Window and false ceiling.
Step#8: Defining Switching Modes
To suit different activities the Desk Lighting, Conference Lighting and Presentation Lighting have to be dimmable. Therefore, the Light Regulation Factors (LRF) option has to be switched on.
1- Enabling the LRF option
- Select Project Options from the Data menu.
- Select the General tab.
- In Miscellaneous box, check (cross) 'Use Light Regulation Factors'.
- Click OK.
2- Defining the Switching modes
The following switching modes will be defined:
- Desk Lighting
- Conference Lighting
- Presentation Lighting
- Select Switching Modes from Data menu.
- In the Switching Modes dialogue box, enter the names of the switching modes:
- Enter Desk Lighting, then click New.
- Enter Conference Lighting, then click New.
- Enter Presentation Lighting, then click OK.
Step#9: Positioning Luminaires for the Task-, Conference- and Accent lighting
1- Positioning individual luminaires
- Select Individual Luminaires from the Data menu.
- Select the Luminaires tab.
A- Lighting for Painting
- Click New.
- In the fourth row of the luminaire list, select or enter:
- Type (A, B, ...) MASTERLINE PLUS 50W 24D
- Quantity (Qty.) 1
- Position (Pos) X = 2.10, Y = -3.00, Z = 2.65
- Aiming Rot = 135, Tilt90 = 0.0, Tilt0 = -43
- Sym NONE
- Switching Mode (1, 2, ...)
- / LRF (%) Conference Lighting LRF 100 & Presentation Lighting LRF 100
- Select Project Options from the Data menu.
- Select the 2D View tab.
- In the Show box, check (cross) Aiming Arrows.
- Click OK.
B- Lighting for Conference Table (suspended mounted, direct + indirect)
- Click New.
- In the first row of the luminaire list, select or enter:
- Type (A, B, ...) TPH 601/128 MD (or select corresponding legend number (A, B, etc) placed before the luminaire type name as shown in the 'Type' column in the luminaire list).
- Quantity (Qty.) 1
- Position (Pos) X = 1.50, Y = 1.80, Z = 2.00
- Aiming Rot = 90, Tilt90 = 0.0, Tilt0 = 0.0
- Sym NONE
- Switching Mode (1, 2, ...)
- / LRF (%) Desk Lighting LRF 60 & Conference Lighting LRF 10
C- Lighting for Bureau (suspended mounded, direct + indirect)
- Click New.
- In the second row of the luminaire list, select or enter:
- Type (A, B, ...) TPH 601/128 C7-60
- Quantity (Qty.) 1
- Position (Pos) X = 2.80, Y = -2.10, Z = 2.00
- Aiming Rot = 90, Tilt90 = 0.0, Tilt0 = 0.0
- Sym NONE
- Switching Mode (1, 2, ...)
- / LRF (%) Desk Lighting LRF 100
D- Uplighter
- Click New.
- In the third row of the luminaire list, select or enter:
- Type (A, B, ...) QFG 101/300
- Quantity (Qty.) 1
- Position (Pos) X = 3.90, Y = -3.00, Z = 1.80
- Aiming Rot = 45, Tilt90 = 180, Tilt0 = 0.0
- Sym NONE
- Switching Mode (1, 2, ...)
- / LRF (%) Conference Lighting LRF 70 & Presentation Lighting LRF 40
- Click OK.
2- Positioning arranged luminaires
A- Lighting for the Bureau
- Select Arranged Luminaires from the Data menu.
- In the Arrangements dialogue box, click Add and select Block.
- In the Arrangement tab, enter the name of the arrangement.Name Bureau
- In the Position A box, enter the position of the bottom left luminaire: Position X = 1.50 m, Y = -2.40 m, Z = 2.70 m
- In the Block Orientation box, enter Orientation Rot = 0.0, Tilt90 = 0.0, Tilt0 = 0.0
- In the Arrangement box, enter quantity and spacing of the luminaires:
- Number in AB: 2 Spacing in AB: 2.40 m
- Number in AC: 2 Spacing in AC: 2.40 m
- Select the Luminaire Definition tab.
- In the Project Luminaire box, select: Type TBS 630/314 C7-60
- Click Apply.
- In the Aiming Type box, enter: Rot 90.0
- Click Apply.
- In the Switching Modes box check/enter: Desk Lighting LRF 100 & Conference Lighting LRF 40
- Click Apply.
- Click OK.
Note: The dimensions of the luminaire and system ceiling are both 0.60 m x 0.60 m. Therefore, this luminaire type cannot be seen if the project is printed on a B/W printer.
B- Conference Lighting: Arrangement 1
- In the Arrangements dialogue box, click Add and select Block.
- In the Arrangement tab, enter the name of the arrangement, Name Conference Table 1
- In the Position A box, enter the position of the bottom left luminaire: Position X = 1.10 m, Y = 1.20 m, Z = 2.70 m
- In the Block Orientation box, enter Orientation Rot = 0.0, Tilt90 = 0.0, Tilt0 = 0.0
- In the Arrangement box, enter quantity and spacing of the luminaires.
- Number in AB: 2 Spacing in AB: 0.80 m
- Number in AC: 3 Spacing in AC: 0.60 m
- Select the Luminaire Definition tab.
- In the Project Luminaire box, select: Type MASTERLINE PLUS 35W 10D
- Click Apply.
- In the Switching Modes box check/enter: Conference Lighting LRF 100 & Presentation Lighting LRF 70
- Click Apply.
- Click OK.
C- Conference Lighting: Arrangement 2
- In the Arrangements dialogue box, click Add and select Line.
- Select the Arrangement tab, enter: Name Conference Table 2
- In the Line box, enter the position and quantity of the luminaires:
- First X = 1.50 m, Y = 0.80 m, Z = 2.70 m
- Last X = 1.50 m, Y = 2.80 m, Z = 2.70 m
- Number of luminaires 2
- Spacing 2.00 m
- Orientation Rot = 90.0, Tilt90 = 0.0
- Select the Luminaire Definition tab.
- In the Project Luminaire box, enter: Type MASTERLINE PLUS 35W 10D
- In the Switching Modes box check/enter: Conference Lighting LRF 100 & Presentation Lighting LRF 70
- Click Apply.
- Click OK.
D- Cupboard and Door Lighting
- In the Arrangements dialogue box, click Add and select Line.
- Select the Arrangement tab, enter: Name Cupboard and Door
- In the Line box, enter the position and quantity of the luminaires:
- First X = 3.90 m, Y = 0.60 m, Z = 2.70 m
- Last X = 3.90 m, Y = 3.00 m, Z = 2.70 m
- Number of luminaires 3
- Spacing 1.20 m
- Orientation Rot = 90.0, Tilt90 = 0.0
- Select the Luminaire Definition tab.
- In the Project Luminaire box, enter: Type FBS 145/118
- Click Apply.
- In the Switching Modes box check/enter: Desk Lighting LRF 100 & Conference Lighting LRF 100
- Click Apply.
- Click OK.
E- Curtain Lighting
- In the Arrangements dialogue box, click Add and select Line.
- Select the Arrangement tab, enter: Name Curtain
- In the Line box, enter the position and quantity of the luminaires:
- First X = 0.30 m, Y = -3.00 m, Z = 2.70 m
- Last X = 0.30 m, Y = 3.00 m, Z = 2.70 m
- Number of luminaires 6
- Spacing 1.20 m
- Orientation Rot = 90.0, Tilt90 = 0.0
- Select the Luminaire Definition tab.
- In the Project Luminaire box, enter: Type FBS 145/118
- Click Apply.
- In the Switching Modes box, check/enter: Desk Lighting LRF 100 & Conference Lighting LRF 100
- Click Apply.
- Click OK.
F- Whiteboard Lighting
- Select the Arrangement tab, enter: Name Whiteboard
- In the Line box, enter the position and quantity of the luminaires:
- First X = 2.10 m, Y = 3.00 m, Z = 2.65 m
- Last X = 2.70 m, Y = 3.00 m, Z = 2.65 m
- Number of luminaires 2
- Spacing 0.60 m
- Orientation Rot = 0.0, Tilt90 = 0.0
- Select the Luminaire Definition tab.
- In the Project Luminaire box, enter: Type MASTERLINE PLUS 50W 38D
- Click Apply (if applicable).
- In the Aiming Type box, enter: Tilt0 -30.0
- Click Apply.
- In the Switching Modes box, check/enter: Conference Lighting LRF 100
- Click Apply.
- Click OK, then Close.
Step#10: Defining the Calculations
- Select Define from the Calculation menu.
- Double click on 'Working Plane'.
- In the Change Calculation dialogue box, change:
- Name Working Plane
- Grid Working Plane
- Switching Mode Desk Lighting
- Calculation Type Plane Illuminance
- Result Type Total
- Direction Surface +N
- Click OK.
- Double click on 'Floor'.
- In the Change Calculation dialogue box, change:
- Name Floor
- Grid Floor
- Switching Mode Presentation Lighting
- Calculation Type Plane Illuminance
- Result Type Total
- Direction Surface +N
- Click OK.
- Double click on 'Curtain'.
- In the Change Calculation dialogue box, change:
- Name Curtain
- Grid Curtain
- Switching Mode Desk Lighting
- Calculation Type Plane Illuminance
- Result Type Total
- Direction Surface +N
- Click OK.
- Double click on 'Bureau'.
- In the Change Calculation dialogue box, change:
- Name Bureau
- Grid Bureau
- Switching Mode Desk Lighting
- Calculation Type Plane Illuminance
- Result Type Total
- Direction Surface +N
- Click OK.
- Double click on 'Conference Table'.
- In the Change Calculation dialogue box, change:
- Name Conference Table
- Grid Conference Table
- Switching Mode Conference Lighting
- Calculation Type Plane Illuminance
- Result Type Total
- Direction Surface +N
- Click OK.
- Click Duplicate.
- In the Add Calculation dialogue box, change:
- Name Conference Table 1
- Grid Conference Table
- Switching Mode Presentation Lighting
- Calculation Type Plane Illuminance
- Result Type Total
- Direction Surface +N
- Click OK.
- Double click on 'Painting'.
- In the Change Calculation dialogue box, change:
- Name Painting
- Grid Painting
- Switching Mode Conference Lighting
- Calculation Type Plane Illuminance
- Result Type Total
- Direction Surface +N
- Click OK.
- Double click on 'Whiteboard'.
- In the Change Calculation dialogue box, change:
- Name Whiteboard
- Grid Whiteboard Table
- Switching Mode Conference Lighting
- Calculation Type Plane Illuminance
- Result Type Total
- Direction Surface +N
- Click OK, then Close.
Step#11: Defining the Calculation Presentation
- Select Presentation from the Calculation menu.
- In the Include box, double click on the + or - sign to include (+) or exclude (-) a calculation.
- For this project all calculations have to be included (Working Plane, Floor, Curtain, Bureau, Conference Table, Painting and Whiteboard).
- In the Presentation Forms box, select in which presentation forms the calculation results will be presented. Select:
- Graphical Table;
- Filled Iso Contour.
1- Set the options for calculation presentation of all Calculations
- In the Calculation Presentation dialogue box, select a calculation, beginning at the top.
- Click Options.
- For vertical calculations 'Working Plane', 'Floor', 'Curtain', 'Bureau' and 'Conference Table' the Aiming Arrows, Connected Grid and Unconnected Grid do not have to be displayed in the calculation presentation.
- For vertical calculations 'Painting' and 'Whiteboard' the Aiming Arrows, Connected Field, Unconnected Field and Unconnected Grid do not have to be displayed in the calculation presentation.
- Select the General tab.
- In the Show box, disable (no cross):
- Aiming Arrows Aiming Arrows
- Connected Grid OR Connected Field
- Unconnected Grid Unconnected Field
- Unconnected Grid
- Select the Scaling tab.
- In the Sizing box, select:
- Zoomed Relative to Grid
- Factor 1.000
- Click OK.
- Repeat the above steps for all remaining calculations.
- Click OK to return to the Main View.
2- Report Setup
- Select Setup from the Report menu.
- Select the Components tab.
- In the Components box, select which components have to be included in the report. Include:
- Title Page;
- Table of Contents;
- Top Project Overview;
- Summary;
- Luminaire Details;
- Installation Data.
- In the Include box, double click on the + or - sign to include (+) or exclude (-) a calculation.
- For this project 'Working Plane', 'Floor', 'Curtain', 'Bureau', 'Conference Table', 'Painting' and 'Whiteboard' have to be included.
- In the Presentation Forms box, select in which presentation forms the calculation results are presented. For all calculations, select:
- Graphical Table;
- Filled Iso Contour.
- Click OK to return to the Main View.
Step#12: Printing the report
You can use Print Preview (see Report menu) to preview your report before printing it.
- Select Print Report from the File menu or Report menu.
- Click OK in the Print dialogue box to print the report.
Step#13: Saving the project
- Select Save from the File menu to save the project (DIRECTOR_ROOM.CIN).
The final report for this example#3 will be like the following image:
You can download the final report for example# 3 by clicking the link.
This is the last article in explaining CalcuLux Indoor Software for Lighting design. In the next article, I will explain lighting design calculation by using Excel Spreadsheets. Please, keep following.
You can download the final report for example# 3 by clicking the link.
This is the last article in explaining CalcuLux Indoor Software for Lighting design. In the next article, I will explain lighting design calculation by using Excel Spreadsheets. Please, keep following.
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