Course Lighting-2: Advanced Course for Lighting Design - Level I "

Course Description:

This course is intended to prepare the target persons with the ability to understand Lighting design basics and recognize different methods for lighting design.

The target Persons:

Design engineers, new graduate engineers, under graduate engineering students, site field engineers, maintenance engineers and technicians.

Skills Development:

On completion of this course the target person will be able to:

Understand the concepts, terminology and basics for lighting design,
Use different methods for lighting design,
Understand lighting design requirements for different activates,
Use different software programs for lighting design.
Use different worksheets and calculators for lighting design,
Design a lighting branch circuit.

Course outline

Interior lighting design methods:
Lumen (Room Cavity) method
Point by point method
Watts per square foot method

Lighting design for normal activates like:
Health care
Common and public spaces

Lighting design for special activates like:
Façade lighting
Landscape and area lighting
Football field lighting
Tunnel lighting
And others.
Emergency lighting design
Street lighting design

Software programs for lighting design like:
Worksheets and tools for lighting design
Design a Lighting Branch Circuit.

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