Transformer Manufacturers - General Electric

1- Distribution Transformers:
Single-Phase Pad-Mounted
Prolec GE manufacturers a complete line of single-phase pad-mounted distribution transformers designed to provide the features, performance and aesthetics needed for modern underground residential applications.

Single-Phase Pole-Type
Prolec GE manufacturers a complete line of single-phase pole-type distribution transformers for installation on utility overhead systems. These highly reliable transformers are available in a wide variety of ratings and accessory combinations.

Three-Phase Pad-Mounted
Prolec GE offers a complete line of liquid-filled three-phase pad-mounted distribution transformers that meet applicable ANSI®/IEEE® standards.

Network, Vault and Subway
GE Vaultmaster Network Transformers are constructed to provide the utmost economy, flexibility & reliability for network systems and meet stringent underground installation requirements

2- Power Transformers:
Prolec GE has the unequaled ability to serve utility, contractor, industrial and international markets for large transformers.

3- Secondary Substation Transformers:
Liquid Filled
Liquid-filled transformers are designed for industrial and commercial applications such as chemical, cement, manufacturing plants, paper or steel mills, schools, hospitals, office buildings, etc.

Ventilated Dry-Type
GE ventilated dry-type transformers are designed for indoor or outdoor applications in schools, hospitals, industrial plants, commercial buildings and anywhere that safe and dependable power are important considerations.

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