1- GE Transformer & Short Circuit Calculator
This Calculator contains:
a- Simple Calculations
It will furnish base current and extend current capability for identified transformers as well as maximum short circuit current based on infinite MVA at transformer primary.
b- Detailed Calculations
It will provide base load current and short circuit currents for identified transformers considering primary MVA and impedance details for transformer and Utility.
c- Transformer Tables
It will provide based and extend rating currents for various sizes and types of transformers.
2- Transformer Rating Calculators
It Calculates the following:
- Primary current, FLA
- Secondary current, FLA
- Primary Fuse Rating Max & Min
- Secondary Breaker
- Fault Duty, Primary
- Fault Duty, Secondary
3- Transformer Harmonic Calculators
It Calculates the following:
- Calculated RMS Current, FLA
- Calculated Harmonic Factor
Best Regards.