In this course, we will learn the following:
- How to select and size the over current protection device for HVAC equipment.
- How to size the circuit wiring/cables for HVAC equipment.
- How to select and size the disconnection means for HVAC equipment.
- How to select and size the motor controller for HVAC equipment.
For the above items to be fully understood, you must review our
previous courses for HVAC which were:
In our previous Course HVAC-1: An Introduction to Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Systems,We explained that the HVAC system includes the following (2)
major parts:
1- Heating systems
Also, we classify the Heating systems to (2) types:
1.A Central Heating System: where the following Equipment used to generate heating:
1.B Local Heating System: where the following Equipment used to
generate heating:
2- Cooling
A While the cooling systems are classified into (3) main
2.A Decentralized Systems
(Individual Room Systems): This can be divided to three major types as
2.B Semi- centralized systems (packaged systems): This can be divided to two major types as follows:
1- One piece systems (Unitary Packaged Systems): This is
divided to:
2- Two pieces systems (ducted Split system).
2.C Centralized systems (Central Hydronic systems): This can be divided to three major types as follows:
You can review the construction of all the above cooling systems/units in this previous course or to review the summary of Air-Conditioning Systems Types. However, the following table will show a comparison between these configurations as follows: |
Parts Consuming Power in HVAC Systems
In order to size the power ratings required for HVAC system we
must now first which Parts consuming power in it. Generally the parts that
consuming power in HVAC Systems are mainly (2) items:
First Part: Motors
Both alternating current (ac) and direct current
(dc) may be used to operate electric motors. Alternating current is most
commonly used. Direct current motors are found in areas supplied with direct
current only.
First: Direct Current and Universal Motors
Direct current motors have a mechanical likeness to both capacitor-and repulsion-start induction motors.
For more information about DC Motors you can review
the following previous articles:
Second: Alternating Current Motors
The following alternating current motors are used to
drive compressors. Alternating current motors may be Single-phase or
Polyphase (two or three or four-phase). The AC motors for Air
conditioning/refrigeration systems include:
1- Motors to drive compressors:
2- Motors to drive fans for:
3- Motors to drive pumps:
4- Motors to drive miscellaneous devices:
For more information about AC Motors you can
review our previous Course Motor-1: An Introduction to Electrical Motors Basics.
Let's take more details about the Motors
types used in Air conditioning /refrigeration systems as follows:
First: Types of Motors which
drive the compressors
As we stated in above, there are (2) different types of motors are used for driving refrigeration compressors as follows:
1- External drive Motor (open belt-drive):
Types of The external-drive motor used on open,
belt-driven compressors include:
2- Hermetic Motor:
Types of Hermetic motors include:
The Hermetic motors are either single-phase or
polyphase as follows:
2.A Hermetic Single-phase Motor
Four types of single-phase induction motors are used:
2.B Hermetic Polyphase Motor
For more information about the External drive, Hermetic
motors and different types of compressors, please review our previous article: Types of Motors/ Compressors in HVAC Systems.
Second: Types of Motors used to
drive the fans
There are (5) different types of fans in the air
conditioning/ refrigeration system as follows:
The types of motors used to drive the above fans include:
Today, the capacitor motor is used for most
applications. It is one of the most popular motors for single phase hermetic
Third: Types of Motors used to
drive the Pumps
1- For smaller pumps the following (2) types of motors can be
Split-Phase Air Conditioner Motor
1.B Electronically Commutated Motors (ECM) for HVAC Centrifugal Pumps
2- For Large Pumps
Usually the pumps in HVAC/refrigeration
are used in the following systems:
1- Condenser water system
2- Chilled water system
3- Hot water system
4- Condensate system
Parts consuming power as per used
First: Parts consuming power in Mini-Split & Window Units
Second: Parts consuming power in all packaged units are:
Third: Parts consuming power in centralized systems:
Motor Nameplate - Air Conditioner Motor Applications
Other Motor Nameplate information
Other information that can be found also in the motor name plate
is as follows:
Model Number of the Motor
Power Factor
4- Torque speed
5- Temperature
6- Seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER)
In below image, you can find all the abbreviations that can
exist on the motor name plate:
the next article, we will explain in details the HVAC system units/ratings and
the famous motors used in HVAC systems. So, please keep following.
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