Review for Course WR-2: Inspect Conduits, Junction and Pull Boxes

Today, I will make a Review for Course WR-2: Inspect Conduits, Junction and Pull Boxes as follows. 

You can review the following articles in the same course for more information:

Review for Course WR-2

1- What is the maximum distance between conduit supports and a junction box, if structure members do not allow for a distance of 3 feet?

2- Rigid metal conduit that is plastic-coated is covered with a seamless coating of …………………………..

3- What type of conduit provides great flexibility, strength and requires no elbow fittings?

4- What is the primary difference between rigid metal and EMT conduit?

5- What is the maximum number of quarter bends allowed between pull points?

6- What is the purpose of a bushing?

7- What information must be clearly marked on every 10-foot section of rigid metal conduit? 

8- What conduit fitting is used to connect two pieces of conduit that cannot be physically turned?

9- What percent conductor fill is allowed for a length of conduit 26 inches long?

10- When a piece of conduit is installed that has a smaller diameter than the knock-out of the utility box, what kind of conduit fitting would be used to make the proper connection?

11- Short pieces of conduit threaded on both ends and made in 45- and 90-degree angles are known as ……………………………...

12- Conduit bodies are also known as …………………………

  • Fixture boxes 
  • Condulets 
  • Masonry boxes 
  • Handy boxes 

13- Conduit straps should be placed within what distance of pull boxes?

  • 10 feet 
  • 4 feet 
  • 3 feet 
  • 5 feet 

14- A conduit containing eighteen conductors is allowed to be filled to what percentage?

15- A box that provides a means of pulling conductors long distances without placing excessive stress on the conductors or insulation is called a …………………………..

  • Handy box 
  • Condulet 
  • Fixture box 
  • Junction box 

16- Are splices allowed in conduit bodies? If so, under what conditions?

17- Condulets are used in place of ………………………. when installing rigid conduit.

18- A junction box is required for two 4-inch conduits and two 2-inch conduits. What length is required for this straight pull installation?

What would be the recommended width of this box?

19- 350 kcmil conductors in a 3-inch electrical metallic tubing enter the back of a junction box opposite a removable cover and bend down to leave the bottom of the box. What is the minimum permitted depth of this junction box?

20- Can a listed junction box be located underground?

21- What is the minimum diagonal length for a 4-inch conduit that enters the JB at the bottom and exits out the right side?

22- What is the maximum trade size of EMT?


  1. Five feet
  2. Polyvinyl chloride
  3. Flexible metal conduit (Sealtight)
  4. The wall thickness
  5. Four
  6. Conductor protection
  7. The manufacturer information
  8. A conduit union (Erickson)
  9. 40 %
  10. Reducing washer
  11. Factory bends
  12. Condulets
  13. 3 feet
  14. 40 %
  15. Junction box
  16. Yes. If cubic inch is given
  17. 90 degree bends
  18. 32 inches in length / A box with a width of 17 or 18 inches
  19. 5 inches T-373-6(a)
  20. Yes
  21. 4 x 6 = 24 inches
  22. 4 inches


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