Tender Forms/Schedules Definition:
Tender Schedules seek specific information from tenderers for the evaluation of tenders and must be submitted as part of their tenders.
It is documentary evidence establishing the tenderer’s qualifications in accordance with the requirements of Evaluation and Qualification Criteria, using the relevant schedules/ forms issued as part of the tender documents
Tender Forms/Schedules Purposes:
- The tender schedules are needed to allow tenderers to describe their offers in terms of the evaluation criteria.
- Establishing the conformity of the Technical Proposal offered by the tenderer with the Tender Document.
- Establishing the tenderer’s qualifications in accordance with the requirements of Evaluation and Qualification Criteria.
Tender Forms/Schedules Types:
The tender schedules have many types of forms, so for each unique tender, we must assigned Cleary the needed Tender Schedules for this tender which differ from one tender to other , some tender schedules are mandatory , some need to be added , some need to be ignored and some need to be created for certain evaluation purposes.
generally , he main types of Forms/Schedules types are as follows:
- Letter of Tender.
- Schedules of Prices / Bill of Quantities.
- Form of Tender Security.
- Schedule of Supplementary Information.
1- Letter of Tender
The tenderer shall submit the Letter of Tender using the form Issued as part of the tender documents. This form must be completed without any alterations to its format, and no substitutes shall be accepted. All blank spaces shall be filled in with the information requested.
The Tenderer must prepare the Letter of Tender on stationery with its letterhead clearly showing the Tenderer’s complete name and address.
To download a copy of Letter of Tender, please click on the link.
2- Schedules of Prices / Bill of Quantities
Tender works should be itemized in the Bill of Quantities in sufficient detail to distinguish between the different classes of works, or between works of the same nature carried out in different locations or in other circumstances which may give rise to different considerations of cost. Consistent with these requirements, the layout and content of the Bill of Quantities should be as simple and brief as possible (see fig.1).
Schedules of Prices / Bill of Quantities |
For more information, please review our previous article “Schedules of Prices / Bill of Quantities”
3- Tender Security form
The tenderer shall furnish as part of its Tender, the original of a tender security using the form included as part of the tender documents. The tender security amount and currency shall be as specified in tender documents.
the tender security shall be a demand guarantee in any of the following forms at the tenderer’s option:
- an unconditional guarantee issued by a bank (See fig.1).
- an irrevocable letter of credit (see fig.2).
- a cashier’s or certified check.
unconditional guarantee issued by a bank |
Irrevocable letter of credit |
from a reputable source. In the case of a bank guarantee, the tender security shall be submitted either using the tender security form or in another substantially similar format approved by the Employer prior to Tender submission.
To download a copy of Tender Security form, please click on the link.
4- Schedule of Supplementary Information form
Schedule of Supplementary Information shall accompany, but not form part, of the Tender and is required to be submitted in sufficient detail to demonstrate the Tenderer’s capability to perform the Contract.
But If the supplementary information forms part of the Tender then a possibility arises that any inability of the Tenderer to execute the Works in accordance with the information provided therein e.g. method statement, equipment, etc, could give rise to a claim by the Tenderer for a variation. Employers may therefore wish to clarify their intention and the status of the supplementary information in the relation to the Tender and state that if the information shall merely accompany, the Tenderer’s Tender or otherwise form part thereof.
Schedule of Supplementary Information shall be submitted using the forms included as part of the tender documents, and include the following information:
Attachment 1 - Preliminary Program :
Attachment (1) will includes the following:
Attachment 2 – Tenderers Qualifications & Financial information
Attachment (2) will includes the following:
- Site organisation and Method statement.
- Mobilization and Construction Schedules.
- Contractor’s Equipment.
- Contractor’s Personnel.
- List of proposed subcontractors.
Attachment 2 – Tenderers Qualifications & Financial information
Attachment (2) will includes the following:
- Tenderer Information Sheet.
- Historical Contract Non-Performance.
- Financial Situation.
- Average Annual Construction Turnover.
- Financial Resources.
- Current Contract Commitments / Works in Progress
- General Construction Experience.
- Specific Construction Experience.
- Specific Construction Experience in Key Activities.
Attachment 3 - Other Information
Attachment (3) will includes the following:
- Details of proposed insurer(s)
- Details of proposed bank issuing performance and advance payment securities
in the next Topic, I will explain the "Schedule of Supplementary Information form" in more detail. please, keep following
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